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We seek grace to comprehend what it is to be human, and we call to our remembrance all the generations back who searched for the meaning of life as we search for it now, hearing the call of duty as we do to struggle between true and false, right and wrong, and love and hate. We recall our forbears and like them strive towards the triumph so to raise the quality of life and build the scope of human potential. Amen.
(after Powell-Davies, The Language of the Heart, 1956, p. 35)
Noble are the world's people:
Producing language and culture and meaning.
For we do create all works:
And they exist and evolve and are passed down.
Noble is humanity and its times:
using its ways for the new walks of life
That come from history and are made today:
so giving livelihood with appreciation.
We give praise to our forebears and do work ourselves:
for art and craft and reading and writing
in all our times to come.
(using Worthy art Thou)