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Liturgy: Christmas


A Window

A Window out to the Vastness
Was born in occupied Palestine
Two thousand years ago
In the body of a helpless baby
Who grew up
To tell it like it is
And how it could be
And showed that to get there
It will never be easy
But produces the greatest of all rewards
And told us and showed us this
As a suffering gift
Into glory
In which we can participate
With a little food and a little drink
As a small taste of what is to be.



There is No Rose

There is No Rose of Such Virtue
As is the rose that bear Jesu

For in this rose contained was
Heaven and earth in little space
Res miranda.

By that rose we may well see
That he is God in persons three
Pares forma.

The angels sungen the shepherds to
Gloria in excelsis Deo

Leave we all this worldly mirth
And follow we this joyful birth

Res miranda
Pares forma

Alleluia - All hail to Him Who is
Res miranda - Marvellous Thing
Pares forma - Equal in nature
Gaudeamus - Let us rejoice
Transeamus - Let us go

Anon - a carol from 1400s; usable liturgically

Liturgical Praise at Christmas or Easter, possibly at the end of worship:

Christ is with us
Res miranda
Pares forma